Hey All,
While working on a project of CRM 2011 i came across a scenario where i needed to build a custom lookup on run time dynamically. After go-ogling for many hours could find a simple method in CRM 2011 as compared in CRM 4.0.
Here is a function below
Create a new library resource file and add the following function and save it.
function SetCustomLookup()
//get the
current account
var requiredlookupfilter
= Xrm.Page.getAttribute("Lookupid for which you need filtering").getValue();
var requiredlookupfilterid =
var requiredlookupfiltername =
//any guid you can generate one if required online Please click the
below link
var viewId = "{131da142-5b91-4c6f-986b-0b70a3a3a35b}";
var entityName = "Look up Entity
var viewDisplayName = "Active Users
for " + requiredlookupfiltername;
//build fetchxml
– better to generate it from Advanced Find
var fetchXml = "<fetch
version='1.0' output-format='xml-platform' mapping='logical'
distinct='false'>" +
name='Look up Entity name'>" +
name='Look up Entity required column field 1' />" +
name=' Look up Entity required column field 2' />" +
name=' Look up Entity required column field 3' />" +
attribute=' Look up Entity required column field 1' descending='false'
/>" +
type='and'>" +
attribute=' Look up Entity required column condition 1' operator='eq'
value='" + requiredlookupfilterid + "'
/>" +
attribute='statuscode' operator='eq' value='1' />" +
"</filter>" +
"</entity>" +
//build grid
var layoutXml = "<grid
name='resultset' " +
" +
"jump=' Look
up Entity id' " +
" +
" +
"preview='1'>" +
name='result' " +
"id=' Look
up Entity column field 1'>" +
name=' Look up Entity column field 2' " +
/>" +
name=' Look up Entity required column field 3 " +
/>" +
/>" +
"</row>" +
//add new view view
Control id ").addCustomView(viewId, entityName, viewDisplayName, fetchXml,
layoutXml, true);
Sandeep Patil